Dessert Reimagined: Chaga Chocolate Cake

I love the idea of making dessert a more stable experience. Something nourishing without the impeding crash, but still delicious…  

Step #1: remove refined sugar and flour.  This is accomplished by welcoming dates, maple syrup, and oat flour.

Step #2: including both a legume and whole grain like oats makes it a complete protein, supplying a collection of amino acids.  

Step #3: adaptogens act to buffer stressors in the body, and chaga mushrooms really complement chocolate’s earthy tones.

The rationale behind some of these ingredients..

Black cocoa powder: is a flavor reminiscent of oreos.  It lends a deep color to the confection, and a full-bodied bite.  I recommend the King Arthur brand.  If you cannot locate it, Guittard red dutch cocoa is a close second for me.

Mejdool dates: let’s face it, this cake is made out of lentils and oats.  To make the texture more ‘realistic’ to cake, tearing in dates actually makes it taste fudgy.  Make sure to fold into the batter by hand at the very end, and not add it to the food processor.

Refined coconut oil: make sure to use the refined and not the virgin variety, unless you want to taste the coconut.  Coconut oil is great because it is solid at room temperature, so helps the cake solidify as it cools.

Lentils: this is my legume of choice because they cook rather quickly and do not contain tough hulls.  For best results, process while they are still warm.  Also make sure that they are fully cooked, and not slightly al dente, for best results.

Flourless Adaptogenic Mushroom Chocolate Cake

Yield: 1 10-inch cake

2 cups brown lentils

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

2/3 cup maple syrup

1/2 cup refined coconut oil, more to grease dish

1 cup oat flour

1 cup black cocoa powder

1 tablespoon chaga mushroom powder

pinch sea salt

2/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips

1 cup Mejdool dates

  1. Preheat oven to 325º F. Grease and line 10-inch cake pan, or equivalent with parchment paper.

  2. Add lentils to a small pot and cover with water. Bring to a simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes or until completely tender.

  3. Add 3 cups of warm cooked lentils, vanilla extract, maple syrup and refined coconut oil to a food processor.

  4. Process for 2 to 3 minutes, stopping to scrape down sides as needed.

  5. Add in oat flour, black cocoa, mushroom powder and sea salt. Process until combined.

  6. Transfer mixture to bowl and fold in chocolate chips. Tear dates with fingers into small pieces, discarding pits, and fold into mixture.

  7. Spread mixture into cake pan and bake for 30 to 40 minutes, or until tester comes out clean.

  8. Cool slightly and cut into slices.

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